English Shorthand [E] Alphabet Outlines apke saath share krne jaa raha hoon. Piche topic mai maine D alphabet outlines share ki thi. I hope woh apke liye helpful rahi hongi.
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Page 1
Eagerly Eagerness Eagle Eared Earing Earliest Early Earthen Earthy Eased Easement Easiest Easily Easiness Easing East Easter Easy Eaten Eater
Page 2
Eating Eccentric Echoed Echoing Eclipse Eclipsed Economic Economics Economical Economist Economy Economized Edged Edgeless Edited Editing Edition Editor Editorial Educated
Page 3
Educating Educationist Educator Educe Eel Effecting Effectiveness Effector Effectuate Effectuated Effortless Egg Egged Egoism Egress Either Ejected Ejecting Ejector Elaborate
Page 4
Elaborating Elaborative Elaborator Elapsed Elapsing Elastic Elasticity Elbow Elbowed Elder Elderly Eldest Elected Electing Elective Electric Electrician Elegancy Elegantly Elevated
Page 5
Elevating Elfish Elfishness Elecit Eliciting Elite Eloped Eloping Elopement Embank Embanked Embanking Embankment Embarrassed Embarrassment Embed Embedded Embedding Ember Embezzle
Page 6
Embezzled Embezzler Embezzling Embodied Embodier Embodiment Embraced Embroider Embroidered Embroidery Embroidering Emended Emending Emerged Emigration Eminent Eminently Emission Emissive Emitting
Page 7
Emotion Emotionalism Empanel Empanelled Empanelling Emphatically Employee Employing Empowered Empowering Emptiness Emptying Emulate Emulated Emulating Emulation Emulgent Enable Enabled Enabling
Page 8
Enacting Enactive Enactor Enchain Enchained Enchaining Enchanted Enchanter Enchanting Enchatment Enchase Enchased Enchasing Encircle Encircled Enclave Enclosure Encompassed Encountered Encountering
Page 9
Encouraged Encourager Encouragingly Encroach Encroach Encroached Encroaching Encroachment Encumbering Endangered Endangering Endearment Endeavoured Endeavouring Ended Endlessly Endlessness Endorsed Endorser Endorsing
Page 10
Endue Endued Endurance Endurable Endured Enduring Endways Enemy Energize Energized Energizer Energizing Enfolding Enforcer Engaged Engagingly Engineered Engrain Engraving Engross
Page 11
Engrossed Engrosser Engrossing Engrossment Enhanced Enjoined Enlarged Enlargement Enlarger Enlarging Enlisted Enlisting Enlistment Enormous Enormousness Enounce Enounced Enouncing Enquire Enrichment Enrol Enrolled
Page 12
Enroller Enrolling Enrollment Enshrine Enshrined Enshrining Ensign Enslave Enslaved Enslaving Enstamp Enstamped Enstamping Ensue Ensure Entail Entailing Entailed Entailment Entangle Entangled Entanglement
Page 13
Entered Enterprised Enterpriser Enterprising Entertained Entertainer Entertaining Enthusiast Enthusiastic Enticer Enticing Enticingly Entitled Entitling Entity Entomb Entrain Entrained
Page 14
Entraining Entrance Entrancing Entrap Entrapped Entrapping Entreat Entreated Entrench Entrusted Entrusting Enumerated Enumerating Enumeration Enumerative Enumerator Envelop Envelopment Envious Envy Epic Equable
Equably Equalize Equalized Equalizer Equalizing Equalled Equated Equating Equation Equilibrate Equilibrated Equilibrating Equilibration Equipping Equitable Equitation Equivalence Erred Erring Erroneous Erroneously Erroneousness
Page 16
Erse Erupt Erupted Escalator Escaped Escaping Escort Escorting Espoused Espouser Espousing Esquire Essenced Essencing Essentiality Essentially Establish Established Establisher Establishing Establishment Estate
Page 17
Esteem Esteemable Esteemed Esteeming Estimating Estimation Estimator Estopped Estoppel Estopping Estrange Estranged Estray Etching Eternal Eternity Ethical Ethically Ethnic Evacuate
Page 18
Page 19
Evince Evoke Evoked Evoking Evolution Evolutionary Evolved Evolving Exacted Exacting Exaction Exactness Exactor Exaggerate Exaggerated Exaggerating Exaggeration Examined Examinee Excavate
Page 20
Excavated Excavating Exceeded Exceeding Excelled Excising Excited Exciting Excitingly Excluding Exclusively Exclusiveness Excused Excusing Executing Executioner Executor Exempted Exempting Exerciser
Page 21
Exert Exerted Exerting Exertion Exfoliate Exfoliated Exfoliating Exfoliation Exhale Exhorting Existed Existent Existing Exit Exodus Exonerate Exonerated Exonerating Exonerator Expanded Expander Expanding
Page 22
Expansion Expedite Expedited Expeditely Expediting Expedition Expeditious Expelling Expended Expending Expensiveness Experienced Experiencing Experiential Experimental Experimentally Expertly Expiration Expiratory Expire Expired Explainable
Page 23
Explainer Explanatory Explicate Explicated Explicating Explication Explicity Exploder Exploit Explored Explorer Exploring Explosive Explosively Exponent Exporter Exporting Exposed Exposing Exposition Expound Expounded
Page 24
Expounder Expounding Expressible Expressively Exprobration Expropriate Expulsive Expunction Expunged Expunging Exquisite Exquisitely Extender Extendible Extensible Extensively Exterior Extinction Extinguished Extinguisher Extinguishing Extort
Page 25
Extract Extractable Extracting Extraction Extractive Extradition Exude Exuded Exuding Eye Witnessed Eye Witnessing Extraneously
Page 26
Each, Ear, Earlier, Earmark, Earn, Earned, Earner, Earnest, Earnestly, Earning, Earth, Earth Quake, Ease, Easier, Easiest, Eastern, Eat, Echo, Edge, Edit, Educate, Educational, Education, Effect.
Page 27
Effected, Effective, Effectively, Effects, Effectually, Efficiency, Efficient, Efficiently, Effort, Ejaculate, Eject, Ejection, Ejectment, Elaborate, Elaborated, Elaborately, Elaboration, Elapse, Elastically, Elect, Election, Elector, Electoral, Electorate.
Electrical, Electrically, Elegance, Elegant, Element, Elementary, Elements, Elevate, Elevation, Elevator, Elicit, Eligibility, Eligible, Eliminate, Eliminated, Eliminating, Elimination, Elephant, Elope, Else, Elsewhere, Embankment, Embark, Embarking, Embarrass.
Page 29
Embarrassing, Embassador, Embezzlement, Embody, Embrace, Embracing, Emerge, Emergence, Emergency, Emergent, Emerging, Emotional, Emphasis, Emphasize, Emphasized, Emphasizing, Empire, Employ, Employed, Employee, Employer, Employment.
Page 30
Empower, Empty, Enact, Enacted, Enacting, Enactment, Encage, Encase, Enclose, Enclosed, Enclosing, Encompass, Encompassing, Encounter, Encourage, Encouragement, Encouraging, End, Endanger, Endeavor, Encumber, Encumbered.
Page 31
Ending, Endless, Endorse, Endorsement, Endure, Endwise, Energy, Enfold, Enfolded, Enforce, Enforceable, Enforced, Enforcement, Enforcing, Engage, Engagement, Engaging, Engine, Engineer, Engineering, English, Engraved, Enhance, Enhancement, Enhancing.
Page 32
Enjoin, Enjoining, Enjoy, Enjoyable, Enjoyed, Enjoying, Enjoyment, Enlarge, Enlighten, Enlightened, Enlightener, Enlightment, Enormously, Enough, Enrich, Enter, Enterprise, Entertain, Entertainment, Enthusiasm, Entire, Entirely, Entitle, Enterpreneur.
Page 33
Entrust, Entry, Enumerate, Enumerated, Envelop, Enveloped, Enveloping, Enviable, Enviably, Environment, Envoy, Episode, Equal, Equality, Equally, Equate, Equip, Equipment, Equipped, Equitably, Equity, Equivalent, Era, Eradicate, Eradicated, Erase, Erected, Error.
Page 34
Erst, Erst while, Escape, Escort, Especially, Especial, Espouse, Essay, Essence, Essential, Estimate, Estimated, Ethic, Evasion, Evasively, Eve, Evening, Event, Ever, Everlasting, Every, Everybody, Everyday, Everything, Everywhere, Evidence.
Page 35
Evident, Evidently, Evolve, Exact, Exactly, Examine, Examination, Examine, Examiner, Examining, Example, Exceed, Exceedingly, Excellence, Excellent, Excellently, Excelsior, Except, Excepted, Excepting, Exception, Exceptional, Excess, Excessive, Excessively, Exchange.
Page 36
Exchangeable, Exchanger, Exchequer, Excise, Except, Excepting, Exception, Excite, Excitement, Exclaim, Exclaimed, Exclaiming, Exclamation, Exclude, Excluded, Exclusion, Exclusive, Excuse, Execute, Executed, Execution, Executive, Exempt, Exemption, Exercise.
Page 37
Exercised, Exercising, Exhaust, Exhibit, Exhibited, Exhort, Exigency, Exigent, Exist, Existence, Expand, Expect, Expectation, Expected, Expecting, Expedience, Expedient, Expeditiously, Expelled, Expenditure, Expense, Expensive, Experience.
Page 38
Experiment, Expert, Experted, Expiration, Expire, Expiry, Explain, Explained, Explaining, Explanation, Explicit, Explode, Exploded, Exploit, Exploitation, Exploration, Explore, Explosion, Export, Exported, Expose, Exposer, Express.
Page 39
Ex-President, Expressed, Expressing, Expression, Expressive, Expressly, Expropriation, Expulsion, Expunge, Extant, Extend, Extended, Extending, Extension, Extensive, Extent, External, Extinct, Extinguish, Extinguishable, Extra, Extracted, Extraordinarily.
Page 40
Extraordinary, Extreme, Extremely, Eye, Eye Witness.
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