English Shorthand C Alphabet Outlines apke saath share krne wala hoo. English Shorthand C Alphabet Outlines ke jitni bhi important words hai jo mostly exam mai aate hai.
Yeh words apke liye bahut hi helpful rahenge. Aap easily koi bhi word find karke outline dekh sakte ho. Apko baar baar book mai dekhne ki zarurat nahi hai.
Hamari koshish yehi hai hai apko important underlines provide karna. Jisse aap exam mai paper clear kar sake. Apko har words ki kam se kam 25 baar practice karni hai.
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Page 1
Cabal, Cabala, Cabbage, Cabalism, Cabalist, Cabalistic, Caballer, Caballine Cabaret, Caber, Cabin, Cabling, Cabman, Cactus, Cad, Cadaveric, Caddy, Cade Cadence, Cadet
Page 2
Cadge, Cadged, Cadger, Cadging, Cadillac, Caging, Caisson, Cajole, Cajoled, Caking, Calamus, Calash, Calcar, Calceated, Calcify, Calcination, Calcine, Calcined Calcium, Calcuable
Page 3
Calculating Calculative Calculus Calefaction Calendered Calenderer Calendering Calf Calibrate Calico Caligraphy Caligraphic Calipee Caliper Caliph Calk Calked Calker Call Calking
Page 4
Caller Callous Callously Callousness Callow Calmed Calmer Calming Calmly Calmness Calve Calved Calves Calving Cam Cambered Cambering Cambist Camellia Cameo
Page 5
Camera Camerate Camerated Cameration Camlet Camomile Camped Canalization Canalize Canard Canary Cancel Cancellated Cancerate Canceration Candidate Candied Candy Candying Caned
Page 6
Canine Canister Cankering Cankery Cannibal Cannibalism Canon Cannonade Canny Canoe Caust Canopied Can't Canteen Cantel Canter Cantered Cantering Canting Cantle
Page 7
Canvass Canvassed Canvassing Cany Canyon Capableness Capably Caparison Cape Capias Capitalization Capitalize Capitalized Capitalizaing Capitate Capitation Capitol Capitualting Capitulation Capitulator
Caplin Capon Capote Capped Capper Capsule Captain Captaincy Captious Captiously Captivated Captive Captured Capulet Carack Caracole Carafe Caramel Caravel Caraway
Page 9
Carbine Carbineer Carbolic Carbonate Carboy Carded Cardiac Cardiacal Cardinal Cartoon Cared Carefully Carelessly Carelessness Caress Caretaker Caribbean Cariosity Cark Carline
Page 10
Carnage Carnal Carnification Carnival Carolled Carpenter Carpentry Carpet Carriage Carrot Carrying Cart Cartage Carted Cartel Carter Carton Cartoonist Catridge Carving Cash Boy Cashew
Page 11
Cashier Cashing Cash Keeper Cashiered Casino Castaway Castigate Castigated Castigating Castigation Castigator Casting Castor Castor Oil Casual Casualty Catalogue Catalogued Cataloguing Catastrophe Catbird Catcher
Page 12
Catching Catch-Up Catechism Catechist Categorical Categorize Catering Cattle Candal Candle Caught Causal Causality Caused Causeless Causelessly Causelessness Causer Cautionary Cautioner Cautioning Cautious
Page 13
Cautiously Cautiousness Cavass Cavity Caw Ceaseless Ceaselessly Ceasing Cedar Ceder Ceded Ceil Ceiled Ceiling Celibate Cellar Celled Celtic Cement Cementer Cementing Censed
Page 14
Censor Censing Censored Censorial Censorship Censure Census Cental Centaury Centenary Centennial Center Centering Central Centralization Centralize Centralized Centralizing Centred Centrical Centring Ceramic
Page 15
Ceremonial Certain Certainty Certified Certifier Certifying Cesser Cess Cession Cessor Chafe Chaff Chaffed Chaffer Chained Chair Chairing Chaise Challengeable Chambered Champaign Champing
Page 16
Championed Championing Chancellorship Chancery Chancing Changeableness Changeably Changeful Changeless Changer Changing Channelled Channelling Chappy Chapped Characteristically Characterization Characterize Chargeabiligty Chariness Charitable Charity
Page 17
Charlie Charlock Charterer Chaser Chat Chatted Chattel Chatter Chattered Chattering Cheapened Cheaply Cheated Cheater Cheatable Checkers Checkmate Checkmated Checkmating Cheerily Cheeriness Cheetah
Page 18
Chequer Cherry Chess Chicken Pox Chiefless Childhood Childish Chilled Chilliness Chilling Chimney Chine Chinese Chirp Chirped Chirper Chit Chit Chat Chive Chock Choir Choking
Page 19
Page 20
Cigar Cinder Cinema Ciphered Circled Circling Circuited Circuiting Cicular Circularize Circulalry Circulative Circumference Circumferential Circumscribe Circumscribed Circumscriber Circumscribing Circumscription Circumspective Circumspectness Circumscriptive
Circumstanced Circumstantiate Cirumstantiality Circumstantiated Circumstantiating Circumvallate Cirrus Citable Citation Citer Citing Citric Civic Civil Civics Civilized Civilizing Clam Clamming Clammed Clamp Clamping
Page 22
Clap Clapped Clapping Clarion Clashing Clasp Classable Classed Classifier Classifying Classing Clavate Clavated Clawed Claying Cleanest Cleaning Cleanliness Cleanly Cleanness Cleansing Clearer
Page 23
Clearest Cleave Cleaving Clench Clergy Cleric Clerkly Clerkship Cleverness Clicker Clicking Cliff Climax Climbed Climbing Clinch Clink Clinker Clipper Clipping Cloaked Clock
Clog Cloggy Closed Closure Clothes Clothing Cloudy Clove Cloy Clubbed Club Law Club Room Clue Clump Clumsy Clunch Cluster Clustered Clustering Clutching Coach Coadjust
Page 25
Coalescence Coaling Coal Mine Coasted Coaster Coasting Cobbler Cobbling Cobra Cockade Codify Co-Education Coercion Coercive Coessential Coexistent Coexisting Coextension Cognize Cognising Cohabitant Cohesive
Page 26
Coil Coiled Coiling Coincidence Coined Coked Colder Coldness Coldly Colin Collapisble Collateral Collation Colleague Collect Collectable Collectedness Collective Collectorate Collegial Collegian Collision
Page 27
Page 28
Comfortless Comic Comical Comicality Comically Coming Comma Commandatory Commanded Commander Commandery Commandingly Commandment Commemorate Commemorator Commencement Commencing Commend Commendable Commendably Commendation Commendatory
Page 29
Commended Commending Commensuration Commentation Commentate Comminute Comminuted Comminution Commissioning Committee Communicate Committing Committer Commode Commodious Commonable Commonage Common Law Common Sense Commotion Communal Commune
Page 30
Communicated Communicating Communication Communist Commutability Commuter Commuting Compact Compacted Compacting Compactness Compart Comparting Compartment Compassable Compassed Compasses Compassing Compassionate Compassiionately Compassionateness Compassionating
Page 31
Compatible Compatibleness Compellable Compellation Compeller Compelling Compend Compendium Compensated Compensating Compensative Competed Competency Competently Competing Competition Competitive Competitor Compilation Complied Compiling Complacently
Page 32
Complainer Complementary Completely Completeness Completive Complex Complexion Complexioned Complexness Compliant Complicating Complication Complimentary Complimenter Comply Comport Comported Comporting Composed Composer Composing Composite
Page 33
Composition Compositive Compositor Compost Compound Comprehender Comprehensibility Comprehensible Comprehensibly Compressible Compressive Compressor Compressure Comprisal Compromiser Compromising Compromit Compulsorily Computer Concaved Concealer Conceded
Page 34
Conceitedness Conceiver Conceiving Concentrating Concentrator Conceptacle Conceptive Concernedly Concernment Concerting Concertina Conciliate Conciliated Conciliating Concisely Conciseness Concision Conclusively Conclusiveness Concord Concordance Concourse
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Page 36
Page 37
Confidential Confidently Configuration Configure Configured Confine Confining Confirmable Confirmed Confirming Confirmer Confiscated Confiscating Confiscation Conflicting Confluence Confluent Conformability Conformable Conformity Confronter Confronted
Page 38
Confronting Confused Confusional Congeal Congest Congested Congestive Congo Congratulated Congratulating Congregation Congressional Conic Conical Conjecture Conjecturing Conjoin Conjoined Conjoining Conjunct Conjure Conjured
Page 39
Conjurer Conjuring Conjuror Connectively Connector Conner Conquer Conquered Conquering Conqueror Conquest Conscience Consciously Conscription Consecutive Consecutively Consecutiveness Conservation Conservative Conserved Considerer Consign
Page 40
Consigned Consignee Consignor Consistently Consolation Console Consoler Consolidated Consolidation Consolidator Consolidatory Consoling Consonance Consonantly Consort Consorted Consorting Conspirator Constancy Constant Constipation Constitute
Page 41
Constituted Constituting Constitution Constitutionalist Constitutionally Constitutionist Constitutive Constitutive Constrain Constitutor Constrained Constrainer Constraining Constraint Constrict Constriction Constricting Constructor Constructing Construction Constructional Constructive
Page 42
Constructor Construe Construed Construing Consultant Consultation Consulting Consummate Consumptive Contact Containable Contaminable Contaminate Contemplative Contemplator Contemptible Contender Contentedly Contenting Contentious Contentment Contest
Page 43
Contextual Contexture Contingency Contingently Continual Continually Continuance Continuer Continuously Contra Contracted Contractual Contracture Contradicting Contradictorily Contraries Contrast Contrasted Contravened Contravener Contributed Contributory
Page 44
Contriver Controllable Controvert Controverted Convalescence Convalescent Convection Convene Convened Convener Convenience Convenient Conveniency Conveniently Convening Convent Conventual Converged Conversance Conversant Conversation Conversative
Page 45
Converse Conversed Conversion Convert Converter Convertible Conveyable Conveyed Conveying Convict Convictive Convinced Convincer Convincing Convocate Convocating Convocating Convoy Convoying Cooled Coolest Coolie
Page 46
Cooling Coolness Cooper Cooperage Co-operated Co-operating Co-operator Co-ordinance Co-ordinately Cope Copies Coppering Copying Copyright Coral Core Corn Cornel Cornered Corona Corporate Corporator
Page 47
Cuteness Corpus Corrected Correctness Correspond Corresponded Correspondence Correspondent Corregendum Corrigible Corroborate Cuttler Corroborated Corroborating Corroborative Corrupter Corrupting Corruptive Corruptness Cosmic Cosmopolitan Costal
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Page 49
Counterfoil Counterguard Counter signed Counter signing Counting Countess Countryman Coupon Courage Courageous Courier Coursed Courser Coursing Courted Courteously Courteousness Courtesy Court House Courship Cousin Covering
Page 50
Covet Covetable Covin Cow Coward Cowardly Cozy Crab Crabbed Crack Cracked Cracker Cradle Craft Craftsman Cramp Crane Crashed Crashing Craved Crave Crawl
Page 51
Page 52
Creditably Credited Crediting Creditor Creed Creek Creep Creeper Cremated Cremating Cremation Crew Cricketer Cried Criminality Criminally Criminating Criminated Crimp Crisp Crisped Critical
Page 53
Criterion Critically Criticalness Criticized Crock Crook Crooked Crop Cropped Crore Cross Cross Action Cross Bar Cross Cut Cross Examining Cross Examine Crossing Cross Ways Crotch Crouch Crouched Crouching
Page 54
Crow Crowd Crowding Crown Crowdy Crowing Crucial Crudeness Cruelly Cruelty Cruise Cruise Cruiser Cruising Crumble Crumbled Crumbling Crunch Crunched Crunching Crushed Crusher
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Page 56
Cunningly Cupid Curable Curd Cure Cured Curer Curfew Curious Curl Curled Currency Current Currently Cursed Cursing Curtailed Curtain Cushion Custard Customary Customed
Page 57
Cab, Cabined, Cabinet, Cable, Cabled, Cache, Cadre, Cafe, Cage, Caged, Cashier, Cake, Caked, Calamine, Calamite, Calamity, Calculate, Calculated, Calculation, Calculator, Calendar, Calender, Calibre, Calibration, Called, Calling, Calm.
Page 58
Came, Camp, Campaign, Campaigner, Canadian, Canal, Cancellation, Cancelled, Cancelling, Cancer, Candid, Candidature, Candidly, Cane, Caning, Cannon, Canopy, Cant, Canvas, Cap, Capability, Capable, Capably, Capacity, Caper, Capital.
Page 59
Capitalist, Caprice, Captain, Caption, Captivate, Captivity, Capture, Car, Carbon, Card, Care, Cardiology, Career, Careful, Carefulness, Careless, Cargo, Carol, Carper, Carried, Carrier, Carry, Cartoon, Carve, Carvel, Case.
Page 60
Cased, Cash, Cash Account, Cash Book, Cashed, Cast, Caste, Caster, Castle, Cat, Catch, Catchment, Category, Cause Way, Caution, Cautioned, Cave, Caved, Cease, Ceased, Celebrate, Celebrated, Celebrating, Celebration, Celebrity, Cell.
Page 61
Cellular, Cemented, Cense, Censer, Censor, Cent, Center, Centric, Century, Ceremony, Certain, Certainly, Certainty, Certificate, Certification, Certify, Cest, Chain, Chained, Chair, Chaired, Chairman, Chairmanship, Chalk, Chalked, Chalking.
Page 62
Challenge, Challenged, Challenger, Challenging, Chamber, Chambering, Champ, Champion, Championship, Chance, Chanced, Chancellor, Change, Changeability, Changeable, Changed, Changeful, Channel, Chapter, Character, Characteristic, Characterized, Characterizing, Characterless, Charcoal.
Page 63
Charge, Chargeable, Chargeably, Charged, Charger, Charging, Charm, Charmed, Charming, Charmingly, Chart, Charter, Chartered, Chase, Chased, Chasing, Cheap, Cheapen, Cheapness, Cheat, Check, Check Book, Checked, Checker, Checkered, Checking, Cheek, Cheek Tooth.
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Chat, Cheer, Cheered, Cheerer, Cheerful, Cheerfulness, Cheerfully, Cheering, Cheerless, Cheese, Chemical, Chemist, Chemistry, Cheque, Cheque Book, Cherish, Chess, Chew, Chick, Chief, Chiefly, Child, Child Birth, Child Less, Children.
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Chill, Chime, Chin, China, Chip, Chock, Chocolate, Choice, Choicer, Choke, Choked, Choker, Choose, Chooser, Choosing, Chose, Chosen, Christ, Chrome, Chronicles, Chronology, Church, Churched, Cider, Cigarette, Circle, Circled, Circuit.
Page 66
Circling, Circular, Circularism, Circulate, Circulated, Circulating, Circulation, Circumspect, Circumspection, Circumstance, Circumstantial, Circus, Cite, Cited, Citizen, Citizenship, City, Civil, Civil Engineer, Civilian, Civilization, Civilize, Civilizer, Claim, Claimed, Claiming, Claimant.
Page 67
Clarification, Clarified, Clarifier, Clarify, Clarifying, Clash, Clashed, Class, Classic, Classical, Classification, Classified, Classify, Classing, Classmate, Clause, Claw, Clay, Clayed, Clean, Cleaned, Cleaner, Cleanse, Cleansed, Clear, Clearage.
Page 68
Clearance, Cleared, Clearer, Clearing, Clearly, Clearness, Clerical, Clerk, Clever, Cleverly, Click, Clicked, Clicker, Client, Climate, Climb, Climber, Clinic, Clinical, Clip, Cloak, Close, Closely, Closer, Closest, Closing.
Page 69
Cloth, Cloud, Club, Club House, Clutched, Coachman, Coal, Coalition, Coarse, Coast Guard, Coat, Coated, Cock, Cocktail, Coconut, Code, Co existence, Co-exist, Co-existed, Co-existent, Co-extended, Coffee, Cogent, Cogently, Cogitation, Cognizable.
Page 70
Cognizance, Cognizant, Cohabit, Cohibition, Coin, Coke, Cold, Cold Blooded, Coldest, Collaborate, Collaborated, Collaborating, Collaboration, Collaborator, Collapse, Collapsed, Collar, Collect, Collected, Collection, Collecting, Collectedly, Collector, College, Collide, Color.
Page 71
Column, Comb, Combat, Combination, Combine, Combined, Combining, Comedian, Comfort, Command, Commandant, Commanded, Commandeer, Commanding, Commando, Commence, Commenced, Commensurate, Comment, Commentary, Commented, Commenting, Commerce, Commercial, Commission.
Page 72
Commissioned, Commissioner, Commit, Commitment, Committal, Committed, Committal, Commodate, Commodity, Common, Commonest, Commonly, Common Wealth, Community, Commutable, Commute, Commuted, Compact, Companion, Company, Comparable, Comparative, Comparatively, Compare, Compared, Comparing.
Page 73
Comparison, Compass, Compassion, Compassionate, Compassionated, Compatability, Compel, Compelled, Compensate, Compensation, Compensatory, Compete, Competence, Competent, Compile, Compiler, Complain, Complainant, Complained, Complaining, Complaint, Complement, Complete, Completed, Completion, Completing.
Page 74
Complexity, Compliance, Complicate, Complicated, Complicity, Complied, Complier, Compliment, Complying, Component, Compose, Compound, Composer, Compound, Compoundable, Compounded, Compounder, Compounding, Comprehend, Comprehended, Comprehending, Comprehension, Comprehensive, Comprehensively, Compress.
Page 75
Compressed, Compressibility, Compressing, Compression, Comprise, Comprised, Comprising, Compromise, Compromised, Comptroller, Compulsion, Compulsory, Computation, Compute, Computed, Computing, Concave, Conceal, Concealed, Concealing, Concede, Conceding, Conceivable, Conceive, Conceived, Concent.
Page 76
Concentrate, Concentrated, Concentration, Concentrative, Concentric, Concept, Conception, Concern, Concerned, Concerning, Concert, Concerted, Concession, Conciliation, Concise, Conclude, Concluded, Concluding, Conclusion, Conclusive, Concrete, Concretely, Concur, Concurred, Concurrence, Concurrent.
Page 77
Concurring, Condemned, Condense, Condition, Conditional, Condone, Condoned, Condoning, Conduce, Conducive, Conduct, Conducting, Conduction, Conductor, Confer, Conference, Confess, Confessing, Confession, Confine, Confined, Confinement, Confirm, Confirmation, Confiscate, Conflict.
Page 78
Conflicted, Conflicting, Conform, Conformed, Confront, Confronted, Confuse, Confusing, Confusion, Congenial, Congestion, Congratulation, Congregate, Congress, Conjunction, Connect, Connected, Connecting, Connection, Connective, Conscious, Consciousness, Conscript, Consensus, Consent, Consented.
Page 79
Consequence, Consequent, Consequential, Consequently, Conserve, Consider, Considerable, Considerably, Consideration, Considered, Considering, Consigning, Consignment, Consist, Consisted, Consistence, Consistency, Consistent, Consisting, Consolidated, Consolidation, Consonant, Conspiracy, Conspiration, Constable, Constantly.
Page 80
Constituency, Constituent, Constitutional, Construct, Consult, Consulted, Consume, Consumed, Consumer, Consuming, Consumption, Contain, Contained, Container, Containing, Contemplate, Contemplated, Contemplating, Contemplation, Contemporary, Contempt, Contend, Contended, Content, Contented, Contention.
Page 81
Contest, Contestant, Contested, Contesting, Context, Continent, Continental, Contingence, Contingent, Continuation, Continue, Continued, Continuing, Continuous, Continuity, Contract, Contracted, Contraction, Contractor, Contradict, Contradicted, Contradiction, Contradictory, Contrary, Contrast, Contrasting.
Page 82
Contravene, Contravention, Contribute, Contribution, Contributing, Control, Controlled, Controller, Controlling, Controversial, Controversy, Convention, Conventional, Converge, Convergent, Converse, Conversely, Convert, Converted, Convey, Conveyance, Convict, Convicted, Convicting, Conviction, Convince.
Page 83
Convoy, Cook, Cooking, Cool, Cooler, Cooperative, Coordinate, Coordination, Coping, Copy, Copy Book, Corner, Corporation, Corporative, Correct, Correction, Corrective, Correctly, Corresponding, Corridor, Corroboration, Corrupt, Corrupted, Corruption, Cosmetic.
Page 84
Cost, Costly, Costume, Cottage, Counsel, Counselor, Count, Counter, Counterpart, Countersigned, Countless, Country, Couple, Coupled, Course, Court, Courteous, Cover, Covered, Crash, Creation, Credibility, Credible, Credit, Cricket, Crime, Criminal, Criteria.
Page 85
Criterion, Criticism, Criticize, Cross, Cross Examination, Crude, Crudely, Cruel, Crush, Crust, Cry, Cue, Cultivate, Cultivated, Cultivating, Cultivation, Culture, Culprit, Cumulative, Cup, Cure, Curse, Curtail.
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Custodian, Custody, Custom, Customer, Cut, Cute, Customs, Curve, Curved, Cycle, Cut out, Cutting, Cylinder.
Niche comment karke aap kisi bhi word related pooch sakte hai.
Please tell me the outline for consensus
ReplyDeletepage No. 78 mai outlines aap dekh sakte hai dear, aur jankari ke liye aap facebook messenger se connect ho sakte hai.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me the outline for carcases
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